In fact, more than half the children were considered better after two days whether they had received medicine, the dummy pill or nothing.
They have been receiving food, clothing and medicine provided by the United States.
Like scores of other women who have taken part in the same tests, she has no idea whether she received medicine or a dummy pill.
Ours started in 2007/2008 and received medicine about a year after it began, before it really got going.
Patients who quickly receive medicine to reverse the effect of the narcotic usually get better within 24 to 48 hours.
There she also receives toys, books, medicine, milk and a small stipend.
Wealthier groups are also more likely to be seen by doctors and to receive medicine.
You will receive medicine to make you feel sleepy during the procedure.
They also should call a doctor to receive medicine if they have been exposed to the flu.
You may also receive medicine to help you relax.