That was where the Holy Father received heads of state, and members of the college of cardinals.
Male lord-lieutenants receive an allowance for the ceremonial uniform, worn when receiving members of the royal family and on other formal occasions.
He said Mr. Mandela would be able to receive members of his family more freely.
The Coury family received new immigrant members after the start of the war in Lebanon in 1975.
In her apartment he received members of the George circle for which special rooms had been rented.
The meetings, lasting just over an hour, consisted mainly of receiving new members and accepting resignations.
He received high-powered members of Congress at his embassy.
As he goes on to say in this letter, even on the Sabbath he would receive members of the community.
The European Union' s commitment to receiving new members has never been expressed more clearly or more precisely than in Göteborg.
At his salon there he received many distinguished cultural figures and members of the European nobility.