The 12-bed medically supported detoxification unit continues to receive referrals from across the state.
Although Nyumbani is full with 85 children, it continues to receive referrals.
Preliminary results from the study also showed that employees who had received referrals ultimately proved to be better suited for their positions.
It receives referrals and further compliments the primary healthcare services in the area, including:
Participants say they often receive such referrals in the coaching sessions.
He started receiving referrals, donations and invitations from all over Europe.
In return, each family receives job counseling and referrals to programs that will assist them.
The school is an 82-year-old nonprofit institution, which receives referrals from child welfare agencies throughout the state.
Under the city's plan, he said, those weaned from methadone would also receive counseling and referrals to other rehabilitation programs.
Clients should receive referrals as appropriate for identified needs.