The National Energy Board received approximately 25,000 letters regarding the project, mostly in opposition.
I'll wait here until 1 receive your instructions regarding the rest of our cargo.
It received great attention and good reviews from critics, regarding the mechanic solutions, comfort, drivability and stability.
The public received the novel amidst a climate of uncertainty regarding the new pastime of role-playing games.
The report also states that Andersen received $5.7 million for "advice" regarding some of the suspect partnerships and transactions.
Our customers will receive their PIN number and access information regarding this secured website by mail in the next few months.
Yannik Reyar received a transmission from his daughter regarding a matter that she felt concerned the Order.
States also varied in the number of consumer complaints they received regarding funeral homes, funeral directors, and embalmers.
Coincident with this, I received a letter from the Police regarding false intruder alarm calls.
The instructions we received regarding our taping seemed endless.