In the year to 28 September 2008, Dacre received £1.62m in salary and cash payments, an increase from the £1.49m of the previous year.
In 2003, Newbury received £2.1m as compensation for his injuries, plus a further award to provide for his accommodation needs.
Yet it receives £18.7m from the taxpayer.
In the 2011/12 budget it received $NZ5.78m in funding.
Ricci was "individual two", receiving £10.6m in 2010 along with £30m from previous share deals.
Aquamarine Power also received £1.5m from Sigma Capital Group plc.
In 2006 they received 6.2m in venture funding from Generation Partners.
Mawsynram, receives nearly 12 m of rain in an average year, and a vast majority of it falls during the monsoon months.
Strategic Partners will receive a total of £8.2m over the next three years.
It allegedly receives 6 m of rain a year.