The Everglades, a national treasure, has received short shrift for too long.
I fear my opinions from now on will receive short shrift.
As we shall see later these sources often receive short shrift in many of the papers.
Besides, he had more than a shrewd suspicion that thanks would receive very short shrift indeed.
I was in an enemy city, where, if the truth about me were even suspected, I should have received short shrift.
Why do urban issues, not unlike other concerns, seem to have received short shrift?
As such, mundane activities like research can receive short shrift.
In the nation's law schools, the problems of malpractice still receive short shrift.
However, the president conceded that his other energy conservation ideas have received short shrift.
Certainly the content of the event (which received short shrift in the piece) could have been examined with a skeptical eye.