They continue receiving subscriptions and so forth as going concerns following expressions of interest by various companies.
Its first issue of bank paper was made on 11 March 1828, after the bank had received subscriptions in gold and silver for 2043 shares.
Permission was obtained on February 27, 1789, to receive subscriptions for the separate dictionaries.
Students who opt in will receive one-year subscriptions to a magazine, which the publishers have chosen according to their colleges and universities.
In addition to new books the students received subscriptions to The Weekly Reader, a young people's newspaper that was heavy on science and current events.
While in prison Shebbeare received subscriptions for a history of England, and actually composed one volume, which was not published.
Nor is the list closed yet, for every day I receive new subscriptions,--this very morning one from California!
The company tried to raise 50 million euros this month through a convertible bond offering, but received subscriptions for fewer than 4 million.
"New Times" magazine was one of the underwriters of the race and the 3800 finishers received subscriptions to the magazine.
Online donors receive a free trial subscription to the crossword puzzle of The New York Times on the Web.