The tomb walls also bore artwork, including images of the deceased eating food which were believed to allow him or her to magically receive sustenance even after the mortuary offerings had ceased.
They are alive with their Lord and receive sustenance from Him'.
The slave is entitled to receive sustenance from the master, which includes shelter, food, clothing, and medical attention.
He nearly died but is said to have received sustenance from an angel that saved him.
"He cries because he is nor receiving adequate sustenance, and because he is in pain."
In these years, Homer received emotional sustenance primarily from his mother, brother Charles, and sister-in-law Martha ("Mattie").
Now she was lying in bed, heavily sedated, her wrists restrained, receiving sustenance through a tube.
He asked God for assistance, and from that day, received sustenance from an unknown source and ceased begging.
"I would describe it clearly as a terrorist organization which receives the support and sustenance of Pakistani authorities and that is basically operating out of Pakistan," she said.
As a result FROBTen was able to receive barely enough sustenance to continue living, providing that it did not exert itself in any way.