Second, land owners received higher incomes thanks to the higher efficiency and economic skill of free persons.
We received over 100 entries, thanks to all that participated!
Some received false identification cards thanks to Jerzy's underground contacts, which was good also for their morale.
A gifted working class girl, she received an unusual education thanks to the patronage of her employer.
Pakistan's tourism industry was in its heyday during the 1970s when the country received unprecedented amounts of foreign tourists, thanks to the Hippie trail.
She did not, however, reject the $4.2 million book advance she received, thanks to the flashy press buildup.
Hotels are booked a year in advanced and some receive between 15-17% of their yearly income thanks to the Christkindelsmarik's visitors.
He received a two-month prison sentence, thanks to his cooperation with the government.
In the recent past, the sports centre received a refurbishment thanks to the investment of an Australian company.
In spite of his family's economic situation, he received a catholic education thanks to the help of other relatives and his own efforts.