Lucia was one the three visionary children who, according to Roman Catholic Church, received several visitations and messages by the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.
La Morte Amoureuse (1836) - a classic tale of the supernatural in which a priest receives nocturnal visitations from a female vampire.
From 1961 to 1965, four young schoolgirls said they had received visitations and messages from Saint Michael the Archangel and the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Perhaps, they too had received visitations from angels--they too believed themselves to be the chosen one.
According to documents kept at the Archdeaconry, Kaifenheim received visitations in 1563, 1569, 1620, 1728, 1778 and 1832.
After receiving other visitations, he began making and showing his art.
Perhaps wishing to aid the defence of insanity, Deeming also claimed to have caught syphilis in London, and to have received visitations from his mother's spirit, which urged his actions.
William Draves was ordained an apostle in his new organization, and continued to receive alleged visitations from John the Baptist until his death in 1994.
Founded by Hachiro Fukuji (1899-1962) who experienced the ability to converse with a spirit, and thereafter received visitations from various deities.
Bethune received visitations from consular staff.