The government also could receive warrants that would give it equity stakes in the companies.
In addition, the banks are to receive warrants that would allow them to buy about 5 percent of the company if it prospers.
In turn, the current shareholders would receive warrants, which analysts say give each share a value of about 5 cents.
The investors also received warrants to buy as much as 27.4 million additional shares.
He was noted for the quality of his products and received several royal warrants.
The government also received warrants for Chrysler stock, which turned into a windfall after the company bounced back.
In exchange, he received warrants to buy 38.9 percent of the company and gained immediate control of the board.
People in the professions, like physicians and lawyers, are not eligible to receive warrants.
That is because Seagram received warrants to buy the 156 million shares back, albeit at very high prices.
The stock and bond holders will also receive warrants allowing them to buy shares of the company for $9 each.