One recent grant, for example, helped a distributor of African-American films to develop a catalogue and get its titles to high school teachers.
For example, a recent $500,000 grant is helping a private college in the mid-Hudson region to build a new library.
The most recent grant was awarded in November 2008, and will provide funding until November 2010.
Over the last decade, Texaco has provided a number of grants to the conservatory, including a recent three-year grant for $75,000, she said.
The most recent grant that he has received was in 2004 to 2009 when he received $100,000 and worked on reducing wrongful convictions.
A recent $25,000 grant from Philip Morris allowed the museum to pay back money owed to artists.
A recent $10,000 grant from the Waterbury Foundation will pay for the new floor and stage lights.
Even a recent $400 million grant to help Louisiana with unemployment claims is less than half of the projected need for the coming year.
This implied no criticism of Gloucester, who, as the recent grant of a palatinate had shown, was still high in his brother's favour.
The announcement follows another recent grant to rehabilitate the airport's crosswind runway.