A recent Tuesday was a particularly busy day.
On one recent Tuesday, fewer than a third of the 300 drivers who paid $10 each to race their cars were in the superpro category.
Mr. Nakamura played a masters tournament there on a recent Tuesday night for what he described as lunch money, $300 to $400.
The crowd on a recent Tuesday was overflowing with ticketed drivers coming to plead not guilty or to get the charge reduced.
So this was, this most recent Tuesday, a record 'nother - we have been setting records.
So this most recent Tuesday was that one.
On a recent Tuesday, the line at the cash register was unusually short.
On a recent Tuesday, however, the early morning racket wasn't just coming from the birds.
On a recent chilly Tuesday night, the restaurant filled quickly with locals and tourists interested in the jazz, wine and company.
On a recent Tuesday, a man known to regulars as the "Professor" sat buried in his newspaper.