Now Nardiello is suspended and being investigated for more recent accusations by several women on the team.
He said that Father Murphy's poor health and the lack of more recent accusations against him were factors in the decision.
Moreover, recent accusations about corruption have continued to isolate him within Brazil and weaken his political strength.
The letter said the authorities determined that an independent inquiry into recent accusations of ill treatment was "not justified."
Finally, the report briefly addressed other recent accusations about the assassination, and found none worth investigating further.
As with many abuse cases, the fairly recent accusations addressed events which happened many years ago.
The most recent, and bitter accusation has to do with campaign contributions from Asians.
With respect to the most recent accusation, I have never acted inappropriately with anyone, period!
However, the recent accusations demonstrate the problems which lie at the heart of the current crisis.
But investors appear to take the recent accusations in stride.