Two recent alterations, however, may slow the curious passer-by.
The most recent alteration to SH-152 came on February 2, 2004.
Tenaka Khan introduced the most recent alterations eighteen years ago.
More recent alterations have included the demolition of an annexe towards the street and the addition of a modern clubroom at the rear.
Volunteer labour was also responsible for recent alterations and improvements to the village hall, which is now able to accommodate indoor bowling throughout the winter.
More recent alterations include two water tanks on the south flank of the butte, and several trails, at least one paved, to provide access to manmade structures.
The most recent alteration has been the construction of a hospitality area at the back of 'Block 7', for the entertaining of sponsors.
The most recent significant alterations were made in 2006.
With recent alterations to this future continuity, it is unclear if this ban still exists.
The most recent alteration, in 1994, extended the course to 61 km.