Walton was asked if Gastineau's recent antics hurt him or the team.
Phoebe talked with Steffy about Rick's recent antics toward their father.
The Reagan Administration's recent antics show how little we know what we are doing.
Watching this scene, it was hard not to think how nice it would have been if Batman had instead dispatched the infernally perky actress, whose recent off-screen antics have threatened to eclipse this unexpectedly good movie.
Like Mr. Rodman's recent antics, "Great Apes" is all juvenile calculation: meant to be provocative, it ends up being merely boring.
When asked if Childs's recent antics had disturbed him, Jackson, referring to his playoff victories over Childs and the Knicks with the Indiana Pacers, said: "I really couldn't care less.
Instead, he adds a chapter on recent antics surrounding Cope's skeleton at the University of Pennsylvania, concluding that the "story of Cope's posthumous 'travels' is an unedifying spectacle of behavior."
After the recent antics in New Zealand, Tindall should keep his best moves for the field.
The Tories may be surging ahead in the polls, but many supporters have also experienced an unpleasant surging in the throat at the recent antics of David Cameron.
But above all, it was a blow to the extreme-right Freedom Party of Jörg Haider, the polarizing nationalist whose recent antics - a couple of visits with Saddam Hussein in...