They have been angered at recent assertions of authority by the Clinton Administration and the Federal judiciary.
This site aims to debunk misinformation, including recent assertions on abortion and end-of-life care.
No one, contrary to the President's recent assertion, is "seeking to isolate China."
He repeated his recent assertions that there was no near-term threat of a jump in inflation.
Most officials regarded the case as closed and did not view the recent assertions as persuasive evidence of a wider conspiracy.
There have been recent assertions that the drug is linked to more violent behavior.
Do the London Mayor's recent assertions about falls in crime on the capital's public transport system stack up?
He would add nothing to his recent assertion that some of his competitors use performance-enhancing drugs.
Mr. Hiney also disputed recent assertions by some utility analysts that the power may not be needed.
In addition, contrary to recent assertions, we are not seeking the minutes of these meetings or related notes of the Vice President's staff.