They renamed her Amboyna after their recent capture of Ambon Island.
The unstable orbit of Phobos would seem to point towards a relatively recent capture.
(And apparently, the recent capture of Saddam presents us with a golden opportunity to do so!)
In either event, it was evident that something was afoot which might have a bearing on the recent capture of Tars Tarkas.
He met Tenma (who had been arrested by the Prague police and extradited to Düsseldorf) during his most recent capture.
Dawn reported that the pair's capture came from information supplied by another recent capture, Qari Ismael.
Hezbollah is apparently hoping that its recent capture of the two army reservists will finally press Israeli to release Lebanese prisoners.
The change was a response to recent captures, and possible infiltration, by the different law enforcement agencies.
Marred and bleeding from the fresh scrapes she'd received from her recent capture, she couldn't clearly see the vampires standing before her.
Internet Archive also has copies in their general archive, and more recent captures have been done but aren't viewable yet.