"I get it just fine," the shortstop said, aware that her most recent conquest was standing in the outfield.
Several women in the audience, recent and future conquests, believe the song has been written for them.
"May I assume this has something to do with the recent conquests that our forces have made in that sad and disorganized land?"
This treaty confirmed him in possession of all his recent conquests.
One development was that Wessex and its recent south-eastern conquests became a united kingdom.
Shortly afterwards he was taken prisoner by the Moors after their recent conquest of the area.
Nor does the possibility his most recent conquest is pregnant.
The purpose of the city was to secure the recent conquests made and to provide defense against still-hostile natives.
He took out his billfold, and slipped from it a photograph of his most recent conquest.
Nerrissa was the current target of teasing about her most recent amorous conquest.