An Army base and its adjoining town have suffered economically and emotionally because of recent cutbacks.
Baltimore's retrenchment, after a dizzying decline this year, comes amid a number of recent cutbacks by technology companies in Ireland.
So many of the most recent cutbacks since then have been in sales and administrative personnel and have tended to be small.
The most recent cutbacks were prompted by slumping sales and profits.
Others have suggested that the recent cutbacks are more likely to be related to across-the-board reductions at the Pentagon than to ideological issues.
With the recent military cutbacks, Graylock dropped that product line.
"Since my job is freelance, and they aren't ready to hire me because of recent financial cutbacks, I have to be really cost-conscious," she writes.
Referring to recent cutbacks of medical insurance by the owners, Healy called the strategy and its execution "despicable."
This is no job for auxiliary staff, and recent cutbacks in this domain must be reversed.
But with the Empire's recent military cutbacks, the garrison had been recalled.