It was Reznor who said, after his own recent dealings with record labels, that they should release it independently and directly to the audience.
Mr. Kerik told a City Council committee that the new surveys would focus on people who have had recent dealings with the police.
The publisher's desk was littered with the most recent financial dealings, notes from the accountants, and memorandums from the lawyers.
As a nation, our recent dealings with Travellers are shameful.
Unlike his recent dealings with his little sister.
But after some recent dealings in free agency, Cincinnati wants to exact a pound of flesh.
As you know," the bald man said, "our recent dealings in the drug traffic had allowed us to use the same complex networks to smuggle hardware into Japan.
They were mere words, Kira knew, and perhaps even hollow promises, but despite the prickliness of her recent dealings with Shakaar, she still trusted him.
American officials have been surprised twice in their recent dealings with Libya.
Yes, sir, but he's had no recent dealings with either Conroy or Brennen.