A recent presidential decree allowed special trials of nonpoliticians.
On arriving in Paris, he's promptly arrested under the terms of a recent, antiemigrant decree.
They defied logic - human logic, anyway - in their recent decree.
Newly hired by the troupe of Zalzan Kavol the Skandar, to help them fulfill the Coronal's recent decree concerning employment of humans.
A recent decree by the Hungarian Government will subject all cars in Hungary to annual pollution inspections, and allow the police to pull off obvious polluters for random checks.
A small but fraught symbol is a recent decree that rules out anonymous denunciations as admissible evidence in Soviet courts.
By recent decree all Earth Citizens are also Citizens of Astrobe.
However, recent decrees have effectively prohibited the commercialisation of the military.
The most recent decree regarding osteopathy was enacted in 2007.
Pope John Paul II's recent decree that evolution is "more than just a theory" inspired international coverage, but it's drawing a wide variety of razzing from creationists.