She's now a recent divorcée who buys a Tuscan villa on impulse and meets the Italian man of her dreams while she's fixing it up.
About 1920, Chanler and his first wife divorced and the next year he married Julia Lynch Olin, also a recent divorcee with two daughters of her own.
Anna Dunlap (Diane Keaton), is a piano teacher who works part-time at a college laboratory and a recent divorcee who has custody of a four-year-old daughter.
A recent divorcee his wife Courtney (Marin Hinkle) with two young children, he was involved in a scandal regarding allegations of infidelity.
Another recent divorcee, Sarah, spurned bitterness and self-pity, and treated the world as her oyster.
Connors is described as a sharp and free-spirited recent divorcee known for her passion for the law, and possibly the lawyers themselves.
Megan Mullally as Lydia Dunfree (Season 2) - A recent divorcee who has moved to Hollywood hoping to achieve stardom for her 13-year-old daughter Escapade.
Matt Severson, the owner of The Developers, is constantly chasing after Katy Terrill, a Developer and recent divorcee.
Their exuberant neighbor, and Florida's best friend, is Willona Woods (played by Ja'net Dubois), a recent divorcée who works at a boutique.
Jake Anderson, another recent divorcee, finds himself in a similar position; his lawyer, Charlie, wants to set him up with a woman named Sherry.