At that time there were some 15,000 Europeans in the country, many of them recent emigrants from Cape Colony.
Meanwhile, newspapers in Norway were also eager to publish letters that recent emigrants had written home, telling of their experiences in foreign countries.
Indian Tamils, recent emigrants from southern India, had a very low social and economic position.
Mr. Harrison, himself a recent emigrant from M.I.T., takes a second look at these "success" stories and finds that they have not withstood the test of a decade's time.
These recent emigrants have most often fled to Australia, Europe, North America and Southeast Asia.
He pushed efforts to hire more women and people from minority groups, especially recent emigrants from Asia, Poland, Haiti and the Soviet Union.
Hopping into a cab driven by a recent emigrant from somewhere between the Bosporus and the western Pacific, I assumed he didn't know from Jewish deli.
West was a recent emigrant from England, and he shocked South by suggesting a guideline that seemed a mere superstition: "Always play your left-hand opponent for the queen."
Limonov worked for a Russian-language newspaper as a proofreader and occasionally interviewed recent Soviet emigrants.
This situation is now changing in the United States; recent Chinese emigrants originate from many different areas including mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia.