But how would she have coped with the recent escalation of bad-for-the-Jews developments?
Some schools had been open on March 14 after the recent escalation was perceived as having ended.
The recent escalation of violence has given him a broader and more serious set of issues to comment on.
All of the installations, the officials said, were involved in the recent escalation.
But Mr. Friedman doesn't discuss the conditions that led to the recent escalation.
Now they say it has clearly failed and the more recent escalation is welcome.
When considering the most recent escalations, this should not be forgotten.
Unfortunately, the recent escalation of murders suggests that violence is once more coming to the fore and threatening peace.
Despite the recent escalation of consternation and concern, residents here say they are working together to prevent polarization.
Traders worried about how the recent escalation of the war would affect oil shipments through the Persian Gulf.