The sporting facilities at Bamaga have undergone a recent facelift and there is now an established Olympic Basketball courts, Volleyball courts & Tennis courts.
Currently, the car is sold as the Fiat Mille, as an entry-level model, and received its most recent facelift for the 2004 model year.
As part of the recent facelift, a new roof and floors were fitted.
It too had had a very recent facelift.
Old Man Rafferty's, long a downtown New Brunswick favorite, underwent a recent facelift that more than doubled its seating capacity.
In 2001, she alluded to the infamous "Slap Flap" incident in a series of articles about her recent facelift, published in the National Post.
From the end of the 1990s to the middle 2000s, the smaller-engined versions were sold as the Fiat Mille, as a budget entry-level model, and received its most recent facelift for the 2004 model year.
The most obvious change at first glance is the new front fascia incorporating sharper angles very similar to the recent facelift of the Ford Territory in Australia.
The busy square gets its name from a long-defunct newspaper, the New York Herald (1835-1924), and the small, leafy park here bustles during business hours thanks to a recent and much-needed facelift.
G Map This place has been around just about as long as RCA, but a recent facelift has given it a new feel and an impressive following.