The issues in this case are different from the recent furor over whether human genome data should be patented.
Many economists and investors pointed to low increases in wage rates as a major force keeping inflation in check, despite the recent furor over commodity prices.
Prompted by the recent furor, two bills introduced in the current state legislative session directly target polygamy.
At the end, Ms. Glueck attempts to connect the book with religious conservatives' recent furor over irreligious, "obscene" art.
Among the President's relatives, the most recent furor involved a brother-in-law, Ricardo Lopa, known by his nickname as Baby.
A recent furor was caused by a Salomon Brothers clerk who executed an order for 11 million shares instead of $11 million worth of shares.
Finfrock quit amid the recent furor caused by the secret taping of a conditioning class.
But given the recent furor over profiling, Mr. Spano, who is seeking re-election, said it was more prudent to anticipate rather than react.
Overlooked in the recent furor has been the transit agency's commitment to Metrocard discounts - 11 rides for the price of 10 - starting in January.
Mr. Donaldson said he was not reacting to the recent furor over a New York Stock Exchange board nomination.