But almost from the moment of its most recent incarnation in 1969, it has come under attack.
This situation has been complicated by the most recent incarnation of the Holidays Act.
In its most recent incarnation, the thesaurus has a 375-page index of all the words.
On the most recent incarnations he supervised the process from start to finish and approved all the text.
The most recent incarnation of Kong is also the longest, running three hours and eight minutes.
That's one of the reasons that the recent incarnation of the Palm failed.
But the recent incarnation of the Jets is remarkably comfortable there.
However, the more recent incarnations offered for cash (as has been the case since 1987 in the US version).
This spirit was assisted with the message by other spiritual intelligences as he had just returned from his most recent incarnation.
Prior to 2007, it was an all talk format, in its most recent incarnation as a liberal talk station.