The two galleries deemed historic, however, do curiously include recent items to cover the city's 150-year history.
I found one recent item that was really very expensive.
Search results can be sorted so that they will display in chronological order, with the most recent item displaying first.
The most recent item was the will, on its own in a separate slot, sealed into an envelope with neat writing on it.
What are the more recent items of note, postal officers were asked.
Office applications also have functional jump lists in Windows 7, which would allow easy access to recent items and tasks relevant to the application.
Photocopies of recent items in the national press are available from the Office.
When he began getting into more recent items, Tregare swore.
The shorts, in several natural shades of suede or leather, priced at $48, are his most recent item.
The table also makes it clear that older publications were not necessarily in a significantly greater state of disrepair than more recent items.