The two most recent kidnappings occurred in the capital and appeared to be well planned.
The more recent kidnappings have been by previously unknown groups.
School officials said the four teachers lived with their wives on campus and had not been going out because of the recent kidnappings.
You will have NO problems finding a place there with recent kidnappings, unfortunately.
There is no indication that the two recent kidnappings are related, or that they have any political motive.
However, recent kidnappings and human trafficking due to the Mexican drug trade have brought negative attention to the city.
There had been a series of recent kidnappings.
Key was the story told about a couple - a man and a woman - who had been seen at the most recent kidnapping in Pennsylvania.
The recent kidnappings were brought to a swift conclusion without loss of life with effective assistance from the Government.
A number of recent kidnappings were traced to its labyrinthine streets and alleys.