But it is still over its recent low of $15.75.
The recent low was 70,000 visitors in 1986, the year of the Chernobyl nuclear accident.
But the 30-year yield is still well above the recent low of 5.69 percent Jan. 12.
Still, there appears less risk that stocks will move through recent lows.
The average price in December 2009, fell to a new recent low of $104,100.
The firm's stock hit a recent low of $11 a share because of concerns over its financial health.
Its stock has dropped from a high of $61 three years ago to a recent low of $8.25.
These yields are still a little above their recent lows.
Up from a recent low of 86,403 in 1990, the population is now about 92,000 and growing.
The shares closed at $12.76 on Friday, up 28 percent from their recent lows.