The law was applied almost immediately, but did not bring the perpetrators behind the recent massacres to trial as expected.
The recent massacres were evidence enough that they weren't succeeding on their job.
That was one reason for the recent massacre - so Itch could not deny the murder.
An angry murmur rose at this reference to the recent massacre.
This, in turn, was received poorly by many groups, especially after the recent massacre at Virginia Tech.
Seven years ago this village, with some 1,500 people, was the scene of one of Cambodia's worst recent massacres.
The move comes after two recent massacres of civilians.
Analysts believed the move could signal a coming detente, but several recent massacres suggested that some guerrilla factions had moved far beyond the front's control.
This has been brought to our minds by, among other things, the most recent massacre during a service in a Christian church.
There was a recent massacre of kzinrretti and their kits.