Circulation fell from a recent peak of 243,662 in 1984 to 204,106 last year.
The stock is now at $23.875, less than half the $60 it reached on May 4, its recent peak.
"These numbers are strong historically, but well off the recent peaks."
The most recent peak was in 1983, with 40 cases and 6 deaths.
The market has dropped 7.6 percent since hitting its recent peak about 10 days ago.
The figure remained lower than the recent peak of 16.3 percent in 1998.
Circulation reached its most recent peak of 62.6 million in 1993.
Nationwide, they dropped below 7,000, down from the most recent peak of 50,000 in 1990.
Indeed, its recent peak was just above $1.02, on July 19.
In fiscal year 1997, the most recent peak, the rate was 2.2 percent.