To keep spending at recent rates, consumers would have to be willing to reduce their savings even further.
While recent rates have declined, this overall increase has health experts concerned.
Some believe that literal application of the rule using the more recent rate could result in a potentially misleading presentation.
At recent rates, $100 would buy about 143 Canadian dollars, before banks add on exchange fees.
If one extrapolates their recent rapid rate of development, however, it would seem quite possible that they will take over altogether in theoretical physics.
He then set the clock to increase at the relatively moderate recent rate of about $576 million a week.
The most recent rate of invalid ballots for two systems is as follows:
The rate's recent "high-water mark" was 8.82 percent last May.
But the recent rate is also 40 percent higher than at any time before the second quarter of 1999, going back more than a decade.
This has outstripped the recent rate of inflation and so the consumer story is still strong.