In the first two years of the six most recent recoveries, productivity gains averaged only 3.5 percent.
But they predicted that it would be less robust than recent recoveries.
Sales increased again for the rest of the decade until a slowdown in the late 2000s recession, followed by a strong recent recovery.
The recent recovery has been a result of strong world demand and cutbacks by major oil-producing countries.
I did not understand what the title meant until my recent recovery.
But with its recent recovery, the index is now down just 1.4 percent this year.
The price for the first two months this year averaged about $12.25 until a recent recovery.
The effect is much like the recent economic "recovery."
The recent nationwide economic recovery, however, translated into a dramatic reversal of this trend for the park.
In Britain, however, there has been only a modest and localised recent recovery by the extreme right.