Many of Mount Pleasant's residents are recent refugees from the fighting in El Salvador.
But recent refugees report that Cuba's efforts to prevent flight by small boats, rafts and inner tubes has all but ended.
But even the most recent refugees say they are unsure that any more Cubans should be allowed to follow.
As a recent refugee from the capital, I delight in pointing out Washington's insufficiencies.
I am, you see, a recent refugee from paradise, otherwise known as the Hamptons.
Many of these women and girls, including some barely in their teens, are recent refugees.
For each, especially the most elderly and the recent refugees, Tenzin Gyatso has a kind word.
From the testimony of recent refugees, most Afghans are more focused on their own fight for survival than the war against terrorism.
But hundreds of the Albanians have chosen to stay in Slovinje and see what happens next, the recent refugees said.