Older retirees are thus needy, but recent retirees have not been as hard hit by inflation.
The area is full of recent retirees, hiding rich people, people from all over the world who would love a decent curry house.
For more recent retirees, supplementation recovers only a fraction of the increase in inflation since they left work.
The community is generally oriented toward recent retirees.
Over 900 of employees and recent retirees own 100% of the company.
Such expenditure is only possible for recent retirees or those receiving help from their children.
Second, the government should tap another promising talent pool - recent retirees from private practice - to mentor young lawyers.
There were teachers, preachers, recent retirees and a widow, all embracing elements of his message.
Growth of Las Cruces has been attributed to the university, government jobs and recent retirees.
That's a hefty increase, but still a pittance compared with the $102,000 a year, the Federal maximum, some recent retirees will get, up from $90,000.