Serena wore this Tuesday, her first day back on the courts after her recent medical scare.
Companies like ANI have benefited from other recent biological scares.
And he gestured towards the blue, his hide flushing in mottled spots from his recent scare.
She hadn't had her birth control shots because there had been a recent scare about the quality of the vaccine.
Her icy feet and the recent scare had Emily shaking with cold.
No one else could bring themselves to be very lively, even Belinda, whose recent scares had made her much quieter.
Some of the non-Estonians' concerns are exaggerated, like the recent scare that "non-citizens" would be issued special license plates.
A number of recent scares about food safety have raised concerns over the food supply.
What have we learned from the recent scares such as foot-and-mouth and BSE?
This has been caused partially from a recent scare of disease infested animals.