The area has also fallen the farthest in the recent economic slump.
Smith also said the team's recent slump, including seven games at home without a victory, "very definitely exposed some areas of concern."
They have been popular and, with the recent slump in Japan, good performers.
Maddux is trying to put a recent slump behind him.
But in notes provided by the Islanders, the recent slump didn't seem all that bad.
He seems older enough now; among other things, he can put his recent slump in perspective.
Radio has weathered the recent economic slump better than some other media.
He said it had nothing to do with Anderson's comments, only his recent slump.
If that is the case, his recent slump isn't a very big deal and he could still come back as strong as ever.
Thorn said the Nets' recent slump was cause for concern.