Margo could have smiled at that one, considering her recent sojourn in the garden, but she was in too serious a mood.
It took her a moment or two to recognize the lady opposite who was holding forth on her recent sojourn in the United States of America.
"Tell me..." I cast about and come up with my most recent sojourn into Clare's childhood.
Even Ivan, a connoisseur of comfort, had not had the nerve to claim the elegantly appointed space on his recent sojourn.
Initially this work drew on British sources, but his recent American sojourn, during which he traveled across the country, provided him with a wealth of new material.
Take his recent sojourn in the Middle East.
If you don't bore others with accounts of your recent sojourn, they will reciprocate by not subjecting you to theirs.
She had gotten a taste of that during their recent sojourn in the galaxy next door.
Indeed, after his recent sojourn in the biting chill of the land that had once been called Alaska, it was uncomfortably hot.
He remembered, a little late, that he was still deeply tired after his recent sojourn in bloody Bosnia and theoretically recuperating.