In spite of the recent spat about Government taking a slice off the hill and upland ewe subsidies, farming is an industry deeply indebted to Government.
This recent spat between the Dallas Cowboys' owner, Jerry Jones, and head coach, Jimmy Johnson, began unfolding Monday night at a reception for the league.
The recent spat between France and the UK as to which country most "deserves" a downgrade is irrelevant except to the extent that it demonstrates this subservience.
In the most recent spat, the company sued to block Mobilcom from running television and print ads that mimicked Deutsche Telekom's own logos and slogans.
And they will be helped along by Nike's recent spat with Foot Locker, which by itself accounts for 11 percent of Nike's revenue.
Consider the recent spat over Arlington National Cemetery.
Their most recent spat involved Johnson's decision not to attend all of the team's off-season voluntary workouts.
Hislop's most recent spat has been with Andrew Marr over the injunction Marr had taken out to block any discussion of an affair he had had.
In their most recent spat, Mr. Chávez said Mr. García had used "fraud" to win the election.
We saw the recent spat between Ukraine and Russia and the downstream effects it had on consumers in countries as far afield as Bulgaria and Slovakia.