This morning, she's showing off the hot line office, where she did a recent stint on the phone.
He was caught with drugs in prison during his most recent stint.
As of now, he is wearing the number 5 because it is also the number he wore in his recent stints at international competitions.
Still, Harriman-what with his recent stint at the Post-would probably find it right up his alley.
Robin becomes a roommate to Katherine, who is still feeling depressed after her recent stint in a mental hospital.
I did do a recent stint of social activism.
Medical staff had been ordered to be on standby at the stage over fears that she could collapse after her recent 14-day stint in hospital.
Venus Williams, the defending champion here, is ranked second in the world after a recent stint at No. 1.
Her shaved haircut made him wonder if she'd either had chemo, treated herself for lice, or done a recent stint in the Marines.
Now he picks up odd jobs where he can, with a recent stint as an $8-an-hour driver for a Starbucks coffee truck.