The recent strengthening of the German mark is forcing Britain to confront its most painful lesson yet about the costs of economic integration with the Continent.
That, combined with the recent strengthening of the dollar, may mean that the exceptional returns of the last few years are unlikely to continue.
Exports rose for the third consecutive month, despite the recent strengthening of the yen against the dollar.
It noted that capital-goods producers were uniformly encouraged by the recent strengthening in orders and profits.
Some observers even interpreted the recent strengthening of the dollar as one such method to support Bush in the election camp.
A recent strengthening of the euro should help exports to Europe.
Even with the recent strengthening of college core curriculums, American students generally graduate with only a smattering of science.
The recent strengthening of the rental market, however, suggests that a firmer sales market is coming.
This new ruling can be considered as a contribution to the recent strengthening of author-centered regimes.
British supermarkets are highly competitive and the recent strengthening of the euro has taken the edge off many French prices.