More striking in terms of immediate return was a recent corporate stumble that proved to be far short of a true disaster.
The weakness in Japanese stocks has come, of course, as the American market has been soaring, at least until its recent stumble.
Mr. Vas has had to overcome some recent stumbles.
Thus he makes light of his recent stumbles over political money-raising but asserts that he takes their lessons seriously.
The difficulties of bridging this gap help account for some of the bank's recent stumbles in global finance.
Make no mistake; Lucent's recent stumbles notwithstanding, the children tend to thrive.
Geoffrey H. Moore, director of the center, called this a "reassuring sign that despite recent stumbles, the service sector is on the road to recovery."
Many officials say the economy's recent stumbles demonstrate that the Republicans were misguided to kill President Clinton's $19 billion jobs plan.
Until his recent stumbles, Mr. Benton had been one of the biggest stars in the fast-growing hedge fund industry.
That flood of money is not likely to end even amid the recent stumbles by hedge funds.