A recent suggestion that he can't DJ irks the most.
I liked the recent suggestion about waiting for a prompt to enter the security number as an additional anti-phishing measure.
But what would her aunt think of Teddy's recent off-hand suggestion of marriage?
We're pretty sorted, as we have been before but if you have a recent suggestions for a great bar (no red light please!)
"I don't pay much attention to these things," Mr. Kim says of recent suggestions by the army that it might intervene.
And the committee's decision to look at income tax changes followed recent suggestions by James C. Miller 3d, the Administration's budget director.
Or maybe recent suggestions in the news media that he will not be with the Mets next season have also had an effect.
The close similarities between all four species have led to recent suggestions that they are synonymous with one another.
In these circumstances, recent suggestions that America start withdrawing its troops are dangerously premature.
One of her recent suggestions was drum lessons.