"And Dad and I discussed it at that recent symposium in Chicago on communications theory."
At our recent symposium on math and science education, 82 teachers representing 46 independent schools examined ways to reduce gender inequalities in school.
In a recent symposium he remarked that from now on, he'd prefer to work with nonprofits.
The most recent symposium was co-sponsored by the American Foundry Society.
But it appears to be a case of same universe, different planet for information technology executives who attended a recent symposium sponsored by CIO magazine.
I had the good fortune to participate in this recent symposium, which was held at Trenton State College.
Ms. Newsom organized the recent symposium, where students and faculty voiced concern about the number of African-Americans in the profession.
The most recent symposium focused on the legacy of President Abraham Lincoln and the use of executive power.
But so far, as they noted at a recent symposium at the Harvard School of Public Health, they have had no luck.
As speaker after speaker at the recent symposium pointed out, these archetypical forces would be called yang and yin in China.