Many recent textbooks on the archaeology and history of the ancient Near East use the Middle Chronology.
Often he errs only in being a year or two out of date on contentious issues: most recent textbooks are no better in this regard.
A recent textbook by Jones and Tamiz .
A recent textbook; see Chapter 11, which presents auction theory from a computational perspective.
His most recent textbook, Evolution, was published early in 2005 as an introductory textbook for undergraduates, with an updated 2nd edition released in 2009.
More recent textbooks stress the importance of students working with other students in pairs and groups, sometimes the entire class.
More recent textbooks often include digital materials, ranging from disks supplied with the text to websites established and maintained by the publisher for book purchasers.
Most recent textbooks define it in terms of Ampèrian currents.
This banishment is so complete that recent medical textbooks often skip the disease or give few details of its wrath.
Maxwell McCombs also mentioned "reverse agenda-setting" in his recent textbook as a situation where public concern sets the media agenda.