The recent turnaround of downtown New Haven has received positive press from various periodicals.
The most obvious cause of the recent turnaround is the fall in energy prices.
Having started 7-11, the Nets (15-13) were somewhat reassured by their recent turnaround, but they needed more proof of their return.
"Presbyterian is not a typical distressed community hospital - it has a world-class reputation and a recent financial turnaround," he said.
Susan can't see past Chloe's mistakes, regardless of her recent turnaround and new responsible boyfriend.
Dean Witter executives attribute the recent turnaround not to a change of strategy but to the fact that their long-term plans are finally taking effect.
But religious and anti-abortion groups groups were working hard for the President long before his recent turnaround in the polls.
The first draft of their proposed resolution played down the 18-year-long covert program and congratulated Iran for its recent turnaround.
The Nets' recent turnaround has been tied to their improved rebounding, but they were outrebounded, 44-28.
A 14-day-old strike at the Peugeot automobile group is threatening to slow the momentum of the company's recent turnaround.