She used similar reasoning to explain her recent upgrading of American International Group to a "buy" from "hold."
Angus Council suggests the recent upgrading of the A92 between Arbroath and Dundee to dual carriageway has lured Dundonians to Arbroath and this may be driving up house prices.
Whilst it is definitely not large enough to be considered a hospital, recent upgrading has seen the centre fall into the super clinic category.
The recent upgrading reflects not only improved financial performance on the part of the projects, but also a strong real estate market, said Abraham J. Greenstein, the agency's senior vice president for finance.
The recent upgrading of grands and premiers crus has radically altered the proportions of grape varieties grown within these groups of villages.
Operated by Argyll and Bute council, it has a CAA licence as a commercial airport following recent upgrading.
However, after NLB's recent upgrading of computer services, they have reduced the number to 10, and upgraded the computers to newer ones as well.
Tony Chan, an information technology director for a structural engineering firm, drove up with two dozen computers, victims of a recent companywide upgrading.
The most influential force on the recent upgrading of the road has been the development of Kings Hill near West Malling.
The Pine Inn, in the heart of Carmel at Ocean Avenue and Lincoln, (800) 228-3851, fax (408) 624-3030, is another historic property that has undergone some recent upgrading.