Europe's oil prices are rising and there is a recent sharp upturn in refining profits.
Even with a recent upturn, the report said attendance hit only 4.1 million in 2003.
The central bank governors pointed to numerous factors that could weaken or reverse the recent upturns.
And we start to see the results of that now both in this election and the recent upturn in the Russian economy.
The recent upturn in jobs has helped college graduates, who have suffered over the last two years more than they typically do during a downturn.
In looking for buyers for the gold-producing assets, Hanson has been helped by the recent upturn in the gold price.
Some evidence of that recent upturn was on display at NeoCon East.
He points to the recent upturn in the savings rate as a possible indicator of this trend.
Further, they do not reflect recent upturns in funding and enrollments, projected to continue to increase for the next decade.
Passage of trade-promotion authority contributes to the recent upturn in relations with Europe.